
Tahir Shah
Now Available
It started with smoke.
It only took a moment for the Driscoll family’s quiet life to catch fire. Disappearances into churches, murmurs of mental illness, and secrets long buried threaten to destroy their once-happy home.
Feathers from the Fire is the soul-stirring tale of one family’s daring attempt to transcend the trappings of fear, stigma, and generational pain by following the signs, leaning on allies, digging for the truth, and holding onto the hope that there is more than meets the eye.
Dr. Karlyn Pleasants has alchemized the wisdom of her twenty- five years of developing therapeutic community programs for individuals with complex mental illnesses and her love of legend and synchronicity into an unforgettable journey that demonstrates the power of curiosity, truth-telling, and love.
What is possible when we look for the stories behind the story?
Voted A Reader's Favorite


Feathers From the Fire by Karlyn Pleasants is visionary but, truly, the novel is firmly a work of literary fiction. This is a character-driven book with the Driscolls thoroughly fleshed out to a degree where Pleasants has breathed life into them. The scenery is often visually beautiful, as seen in ways like the portrayal of Gothic architecture, stained-glass windows, and the shimmering aura within the church. I loved the speculative elements that Pleasants weaves in; mysterious visions, a recondite girl, and the threads of historical events in Geel. For me personally, the standout that makes Pleasants' work extraordinary is her deep use of symbolism. Klare's encounter with the statue of St. Dymphna and a connection to her past, and the weight of family secrets was an absolute scene-stealing moment. The measured hand of a skilled author is what forges a reader's empathy for the characters' experiences, something that Pleasant's successfully achieves in this thoughtful novel. Very highly recommended.
Feathers from the Fire left me feeling hopeful for those hurting or experiencing the world in a way that deviates from what others consider the norm. The reminder that children inherit the weight of generations and unconditionally love adults anyway brought forth hopeful tears. There's a beauty about it that left me wanting even more of the story behind the story.
Dr. Karlyn Pleasants has continuously dedicated herself in the research, education, treatment, and now storytelling of those individuals impacted by severe mental illness. Her heart and unwavering commitment to helping others heal is evident in all that she does. I know this book will inspire and bring healing and validation for so many people. A MUST read!
The author's beautiful writing style is entrancing. Karlyn put a lot of thought into the structure and details in the book. There are profound intros that herald every other chapter and give the reader a clue of what to expect. Also, she italicized the characters' inner monologues, making the story easier to comprehend. In addition, she detailed the inspiration behind the story's themes and elements at the end of the story, which increased my appreciation for the book's premise and depth.Karlyn's experience as a clinical psychologist comes to the fore in the narration. She did an excellent job portraying the stigma, shame, secrecy, and discrimination associated with mental illness. Her expertise shines through in the way the Driscoll family healing journey was depicted. Before reading the book, I had no idea generational trauma could be passed from one generation to the next in perpetuity if nothing is done to break the circle.From Karlyn's evocative writing style to the book's profound themes, the story has many endearing qualities. Readers who enjoy family-centered books with depth will treasure the story. It will also be a good choice for anyone interested in stories about mental health with elements of mysticism. For the value I derived from it, I rate Feathers from the Fire 5 out of 5 stars. The story is profound; the editing is pristine, and the narration is smooth and enlightening. I have absolutely no qualms about the book.
This deeply moving work is a must read for anyone interested in the intersection between mental health and spirituality. I loved that the author boldly addresses generational trauma and its damaging effects on families who continue the cycle of repression and secrecy. Through her compassionate style, the author offers hope to her characters and to her readers who may be struggling with healing trauma in their own lives. This book inspired me to work through my own difficult familial relationships and rediscover what is possible when we offer radical acceptance, love and forgiveness. This is a truly unique work in a sea of ordinary. I know I will revisit Feathers from the Fire over the years as a call to action in my own life.
Karlyn Pleasants is rewriting the rules of our cultural perception of mental health in this spiritually-dynamic, mystery-driven saga; and the new rules of curiosity, compassion, and leaning in are just what our society needs.This is an undeniable necessity for those whose being has been stirred from within and by the world beyond and for those who have always known and still have yet to understand that there might be another story behind the story.
What an amazing read! I didn't want to put this book down! The way the author wove history and generational trauma into the Driscoll family's storyline gave me a new awareness of how the past can hold answers to today's family crisis and a better future if we are willing to take a chance and look.
Whew! Reading Feathers from the Fire allowed me to release the breath I didn’t even know I’d been holding regarding my own son, my original misunderstandings about his “gifts,” the desire to hide and protect, and all the pat answers and excuses I perpetually had ready for those with questioning looks.Karlyn’s knowledge, experience, and captivating storytelling ability enabled me to stay engaged and take the incredible journey with the mother in the story. By the end, I was totally intrigued with the historical foundation used for this beautiful work of fiction (causing me to do a little research on my own) and filled with tears of gratitude for the awareness and understanding this book will bring to the world.
I also wrote the foreword for…

You Can't Make This St*ry Up
After many years of engaging, clarifying, and helping others develop powerful messages as a Student, a Teacher, and a Master Writing Coach, Amanda uncovered her own. The decision to share it with the world launched her on a journey of transformation that quickly made her limited life unrecognizable. Two years later, when she launched True To Intention to support aspiring authors through the process of writing their books, she quickly discovered that her mission was less about keeping the messages on track and more about helping the messengers reveal and heal their own sacredly-coded stories.
As she marveled at the individual journeys, she began to notice something very strange. The messages and their messengers were coming into her life at the perfect moments to support and propel her own personal healing and professional development.
You Can’t Make This St*ry Up is Amanda and her rabble of clients- turned-friends’ collaborative effort to share their individual and collective stories to help other messengers, creatives, and coaches like you:
- Consider alternative reasons for “writer’s block” and find the real force driving that inspiration
- Recognize the opportunity for healing that comes with each phase of creation and/or client
- Discover and savor all of those past, present, and future YCMTSU moments
If you are feeling stuck and unable to move your project or your coaching business forward, prepare to laugh and cry your way to your biggest breakthrough yet.
Contact Me

For all inquiries regarding interviews, speaking engagements, workshops, or the book, please include your message and information at the link below.