2025: The Year of Elemental Balance

Unwavering and absolute. Nature’s seasons shift on the quarter, the moon completes her phases every 29.5 days, and tides cycle daily. I draw comfort from these cosmic certainties that faithfully deliver, right on time, immune as they are to the unpredictability that exists in so many other aspects of life. 

Collective Custodians

Ancestral kin to such universal sureties as seasons and cycles can be found in the archetypes of the four elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—ancient cornerstones that embody specific energies and when balanced together, create a holistic and navigational framework. Recently this very structure supported me through unfamiliar territory, offering a steadfast roadmap that provided guidance, even when I wasn’t aware of it.

A Suspicious Mind

“Hi Dr. Pleasants, I am calling to share some very exciting news with you. Please call me back at…” Admittedly, her cheerful voice and furtive message struck me as phishing, a ploy to get me on the phone to pitch some service I couldn’t possibly live without. Then another call the next day. Then a text message. I wasn’t planning on responding until a colleague informed me that someone had been trying to reach me and that I should definitely call her back. Hmmm.

A Pleasant Surprise

Turned out, the chipper voice was that of a coordinator for an annual celebration of local professionals in the field of mental health and recovery. I had been selected as this year’s Compassion Award recipient and would be honored at an upcoming banquet. I was surprised and beyond flattered as she outlined the agenda for the event, including that my dear friend and business partner would introduce me before being called to the stage to receive the award.

Struck Speechless

She continued, “There’ll be around 300-350 people there, and we ask that you keep your acceptance speech to no more than…” Wait, what? My acceptance speech? My brain sort of went offline and her voice instantly sounded very far away. She asked if I had any questions, and I mumbled some sort of uh-no-but-thank-you-I-don’t-know-what-to-say gibberish. She laughed, offered her congratulations, and we hung up.

Novel Nerves

Leading up to the event, my brain kept “forgetting” to work on an acceptance speech. Having been engaged in public speaking for over 20 years, this level of apprehension was certainly curious. But as usual, talking it out with a friend provided the clarity: I am most comfortable giving; it is my love language. Receiving? Ugh. Not a strength.

Spirit of the Season

Closing in on the event, I still wasn’t sure exactly what I would talk about, so I decided I would sort of wing it in the spirit of the banquet’s name, “Gratitude for Giving.” I would “give” a speech on “giving” by sharing about a Lakota Nation tradition dear to my heart: wacantognaka—generosity of the heart.

Show Time

Insight around the source of my “forgetting” and coming up with a theme for my speech had helped calm my nerves…some. However, when I arrived at the event, I was overcome with turbulent belly butterflies and a sweaty urge to flee the scene. Knowing I wouldn’t do that, I took my seat and just focused on getting to the other side of it all. I did, and it went well, and gratitude prevailed.

The Elemental Fabric

Upon reflection, I noticed a theme to “how” I was able to stay present and engaged throughout the event, despite my nerves. It was like I had been held tightly within the folds of a supportive fabric woven together by the threads of nature’s elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—that helped me navigate what felt like unchartered territory. The sense that this framework had supported and guided even me outside of my conscious awareness was particularly reassuring.

The Threads

Earth—the agent of grounding, solidarity, and strength—delivered through my stalwart friends and allies that surrounded me and provided support to keep me rooted and present.

Air—the delegate for breath of communication, conversation, and sharing—served to remind me of the stories in my heart and the importance of sharing them freely with others.

Fire—the ambassador of intense love, passion, and courage—anchored me in the values I hold closest: compassion, generosity of heart, kindness, and sharing wisdom.

Water—representative of the realm of emotions and flow—helped me stay present through the nerves, tears, and laughter, and soak in the kindness being so graciously offered that day.

Elemental Balance

While each element has its unique energies, they are deeply interconnected to make up a holistic fabric, tightly woven in harmonious integration. These cosmic custodians weave a web of wisdom that is reliable, unwavering, and can be trusted to show up every single time. This is one of the things I love about universal truths: they exist and serve even when we aren’t paying attention, offering their gifts without expecting anything in return—the true spirit of wacantognaka. I hadn’t asked, but I had indeed received. Perhaps I am better at receiving than I thought.

“Awareness is a mirror reflecting the four elements. Beauty is a heart
that generates love and a mind that is open.”

~ Nhat Hanh ~